Every great idea begins with an insight.

How to Build a Team of Intrapreneurs

Have you ever found yourself asking, "What would I do if this were my business?" You might be an intrapreneur, and that's a good thing. Organizations benefit when employees think like business owners,...

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The Power of Courage

Leaders need the courage to show up, step in, and stand up for a cause or a vision. They need courage to look ahead and see what’s coming, even if it’s difficult. They need courage to advocate for a c...

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6 Powerful Benefits of Leading With Questions

Ask Vs Tell

The coach approach to leadership is based on the premise that asking questions is significantly more effective than telling others what you think they should do. It is a powerful approach...

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Management is a Component of Leadership

You lead and empower people. You manage and control the resources to enable them to succeed.

How are leadership and management different, and are they mutually exclusive? In my view, management is a ...

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Leadership and Motherhood

While enjoying a Mother’s Day bike ride with my family, I spent some time reflecting on the ultimate leader responsibility; motherhood. Mothers lead with heart and backbone, and embody all of the best...

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Some sage advice…

Wise words from my son Austin when leaving him at 1st-year university today: “Caring less may be a strategy for some when facing change, but not the solution.”

About the Author

Sandra McDowell, MA...

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Why when I smile do you smile back at me?

Such a simple, yet powerful question asked to me by my 3 1/2 year old this morning at breakfast. So many great answers came to mind; from the simple to the complex. But most surprising to me, was the ...

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